self fulfilling prophesy:

Door wat je in je hoofd hebt, verandert je gedrag en daarmee beïnvloed je het gedrag van anderen. Hierdoor ontstaat er een nieuwe werkelijkheid.’

What you have in your head changes your behavior and thus you influence the behavior of others. This creates a new reality.”

Sex Education
My experience with sex education is not much.

I had sex education at high school and it was one or two biology classes where we basically learned how to put a condom on a banana and that sex was about penetration.
Im interested in how we could teach about pleasure to teens and young adults because that's something I missed in high school. The Netflix show the principles of pleasure tells us about pleasure and teaches us.
Perception of self and others
Imaginary audience:
The imaginary audience refers to a psychological state where an individual imagines and believes that multitudes of people are watching and judging them.
Our self-image is determined by how we think about ourselves
Questions to do research about:

- How does perception of self work? How do people who seem confident and look beautiful have a bad self perception and less good looking people have a good perception of self?

- To what extent are self-image and appearance related?
body image

a positive body image is essential for self confidence
Self-image is the image you think others have of you.
Project ideas
aks people about their perception of slef and what they like and dont like of there selfs
comparing it with how others perceive them making movie
something with mirrors like a fitting room
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
owning insecurities
Animation color sketches and text design by Marleen